Friday, August 26, 2011

Playing with a Penis

It's been an interesting while for male film nudity, and as we head into the weekend, here's a look back at a clip from 1989 called Les Maris, Les Femmes, Les Amants.

Some week's are better than others with this blog, as that's just the way it goes, but this one is a bit of a classic scene with people of all ages, funny moments, and even a little lady unimpressed by the whole scene.

There's a bit of a penis flipping, as a lady administers some public humiliation for some unlucky (some would say lucky!) gent. This isn't seen very often these days, but maybe this clip might inspire more ladies to follow suit, & publicly fiddle with the men bits.

Action packed stuff, with a funny ending. Check it out, enjoy, and share with your mates.

Have your say below, do you think it's right to play with a strangers penis like this in public?

Playing with a Penis by TheNakedMale2


  1. Great scene! At first a bit penis play by hand, and later a foorplay as well. And he was not erected. Great idea, I liked it.

  2. I don't know why the other guys would just watch and let the lady get away with that!!!!

  3. That would never work if you switched the gender roles.


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