Saturday, April 21, 2012

Blind speed penis dating

A young lady grasps with both hands the opportunity to participate in a new style of dating... Blind speed penis dating. 

 As every young single knows, much time can be spent meeting and greeting potential men only to find out that your mate does not measure up between the legs. Well this young lady has had quite enough thank you very much as she ensures she wastes not one minute being shortchanged. With an impressive amount of "pull down and feel" she rips off jocks and has a firm feel of the goods on offer, only when she's good and ready, does she make her selection of package, much to the amusement of the passing public.

  What do you think? Would you participate in this style of dating?
Blind penis dating by TheNakedMale2

1 comment:

  1. I totally would participate as either one!


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